There have been no known crimes committed at this University to date. The following policies must be adhered to at this institution to ensure the safety of the students. Do not leave your money or jewelry in your purse or backpack. If you see, somebody’s personal belongings left behind call it to their attention. The back stairway and door should never be utilized to enter or exit the building with the exception of emergencies. Evening classes start at 6:00 PM. The outside doors are locked at 6:30 PM. It is best to be early. Departure from the Institution should be done in-group or at minimum in pairs. Nobody should leave the premises at night unaccompanied. If anyone is aware of crimes being committed at this Institution, you must notify a school administrator immediately. If a person knowingly observes crime and does not report it, they will be considered an accessory to the crime committed. Upon notification of crimes, the Director will notify the local authorities immediately. Following is a list of crimes that are to be reported: Murder, Forcible and nonforcible sex offenses, Robbery, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle theft, Crimes of murder, forcible rape, and aggravated assault that show evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.

Possession of alcohol, drugs or any type of weapon is prohibited at this Institution. It is the intent of this Institution to have a drug free institution. Possession use or sale of alcoholic beverages or drugs will be cause for immediate termination. The possession uses or sales of drugs will be reported to the appropriate authorities. If you require any information regarding alcohol or drug abuse, please refer to the Director. We have information available regarding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse as well as a listing of agencies for rehabilitation and help.