Academic Dismissal
A student is subject to dismissal for the following reasons:
• Failure to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 during a probationary quarter.
• Failure to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
• Failure of two courses in any quarter (nursing only).
• Second failure of repeated course (nursing only).
• 3rd failure of repeated course (lower division).
* For Doctor of Pharmacy, see program student handbook.
Students are notified by the appropriate Program Dean/Academic Dean of their dismissal. When extenuating circumstances, such as prolonged illness, account for the disqualification, the student may be permitted, on written requests to the appropriate Program Dean/ Academic Dean, to continue on probation for the next quarter.
Enrollment in any AUHS program implies willingness on the part of the student to comply with the requirements and regulations of the university. If the student fails to comply with these requirements and regulations, or if it is determined by the Program Dean/ Academic Dean that the student is not able to benefit from the opportunities offered by the university, withdrawal may be requested even though no specific breach of discipline is charged.