AUHS Institutional Learning Outcomes (goals) are centered around five (5) core guiding concepts/major pillars or what we also termed as hallmarks, which include: 1) Performance (Academic Excellence/ Research/ Scholarship); 2) Cultural Competence; 3) Critical Thinking to enhance academic preparation; 4) Social Responsibility (Service); and 5) Christian Values. These hallmarks enhance both our undergraduate and graduate students, and all include innovation, implementation, and assessments components. Each hallmark is presented as follows; first we offer factual and contextual materials to explain the importance of these hallmarks. Second, we offer primary goals we derived from these hallmarks. Finally, we offer anticipated results where we describe what we envision are parameters that are well underway with a specified day of completion.

  1. Performance (Academic Excellence / Research / Scholarship). In the area of performance, graduates will demonstrate social, philosophical knowledge of their profession/career pathway (i.e., nursing, pharmacy, pharmacy technician, clinical research, etc.).
  2. Cultural Competence (Diversity). In the area of cultural competence, graduates will deliver culturally competent and sensitive caring that is evidence-based in the appropriate health career (i.e., nursing, pharmacy, pharmacy technician, clinical research, etc.) service area.
  3. Critical Thinking (Academic Preparation or Excellence/ Education). In the area of critical thinking, graduates will apply critical thinking as the theoretical and scientific underpinnings to the appropriate health career occupation (i.e., nursing, pharmacy, pharmacy technician, clinical research, etc.) to build a solid foundation and drive the profession forward.
  4. Social Responsibility (Service). In the area of social responsibility, graduates will develop social and personal responsibility for ongoing professional growth and development including higher education in the appropriate health career profession (i.e., nursing, pharmacy, pharmacy technician, clinical research, etc.).
  5. Christian Values. Throughout the program and upon completion of the appropriate health sciences career programs (i.e., nursing, pharmacy, pharmacy technician, clinical research, etc.), students should be able to affect positive clients-patient outcomes by sharing their Christian Values of love, caring, justice and respect, as an advocate client-patient needs and rights.

AUHS recognizes its critical role in community development and social health services through our Christian values. This approach not only enriches the educational experience but also instills a sense of responsibility and purpose in students. By emphasizing the importance of giving back to society and making a difference beyond the four walls of the classroom. AUHS is nurturing future leaders who understand the significance of service and compassion in the healthcare field. This holistic approach, combining academic study with practical application and a commitment to improving healthcare quality, is essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by communities.