
The “I/INC” symbol is a notation on the transcript that reports that the student was registered in and attended a class, but that a portion of the required coursework was not completed by the end of the Quarter. The incomplete grade is NOT to be used for other than serious and unavoidable problems that prevented the student from completing all course requirements on time.

Typical reasons for an incomplete grade include serious illness or catastrophic event for the student or close family member. Documentation of the reason is required. The student must have a passing grade in the completed work at the time of the request and have completed more than 50% or the course work requirements (pertains to completed work-not attendance). An incomplete cannot be given as a final grade. At the end of the quarter, the student may, with prior approval of the Program Dean/ Academic Dean or Faculty be granted a minimum extension of 14 calendar days to complete the required class work, assignments and/or tests. The extension cannot be used to make-up for accrued absences from class. If the student does not complete the required work within the 14 days extension period, they will receive a failing grade of “F” or the grade achieved factoring in only work completed by end of the quarter, whichever is higher. Note, in extreme documented circumstances, and ONLY at the discretion of the Program Dean/ Academic Dean, this may be extended for 7 (or more) additional calendar days. Note that students who have an incomplete in a prerequisite course will not be able to register for the next course in the sequence until the incomplete course is successfully completed.

Procedures/Requirements for requesting an Incomplete: The student meets with the Faculty member to complete the “Assignment of Incomplete Grade Form” (posted on CANVAS). It is the student’s responsibility to obtain required signatures and consent of the instructor and the Program Dean/ Academic Dean before the last day of class and prior to the day of the final exam unless other arrangements have been made in advance (extreme circumstances). Completed form should be given to the Faculty member with a copy submitted to Student Affairs/Services Department.

Faculty must assign a default grade which is the current grade for completed work when approving an incomplete. Incomplete (Inc.) will be recorded on the student’s transcript when a completed grade is not assigned by the instructor and/or an extension of the incomplete is not processed. If work is not completed, the “I” grade will revert to an F.