Disclosure of Student Record of Conduct

The University recognizes the Congressional law, known as the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, to permit the disclosure of limited information about the final results of campus court proceedings where a student is found in violation of school rules associated with either crimes of violence or non-forcible sex offenses. Colleges may release the name of the accused student, what they were accused of, and the sanction imposed by the school.

Congress decided that these records should not be secret so students could know if potentially dangerous students were being allowed to remain in their midst and if justice was being served. The law continues to protect the name of the victim.

Although the University maintains wide latitude to withhold scholastic records, they may at their discretion release them. Student files and records are kept separately from financial records.

The University has a Financial Aid Officer who separately organizes and maintains financial aid records. Financial records are only accessible to the Financial Officer and management with approved access.

Each student also has an individual financial file containing the following: documents related to student financial aid; documentation showing the total amount of money received from the student; documentation on tuition refunds, if applicable. The Financial Aid Officer stores and maintains both print and computer disc copies of all student files.

All student files are reviewed and updated before the start of every quarter. Each student file is maintained and stored in a secure theft and fire-resistant cabinet, whether or not the student completes the educational program.